Progression.........We all will not progress.Some are too weak, and will only stay in one spot.The weak minded.The one with low self-esteem who doesn't try to make life better for themselves, and continue to try to impress those who don't give a shit about their life.(A slight chuckle) How could one be such a fool is what I ask myself. How could one blind themselves in this cold corrupt world? You have to prepare not for the better, but for the worst, and only hope for the better. At least that's how I feel. What is Progression? Progression can be anything one starts from scratch, and makes that scratch in to something better day by day. Whether it's a certain sport, art, class, game, etc.Some will start on a potential skill at one point in their life, but will never excel. How can one excel? Stay focused, and true to your self. Take care of yourself, before you take care of others. How will you make yourself happy if you are worried about other peoples problems.I'm not saying you can't help others, but you can only say, and do so much for someone.The rest is in their hands.
Where did all of this "PROGRESSION" talk come from? Me!I'm very outspoken and I like to write. I also live up to my theories. I found that formulating your own theories on life can help you better than someone else's theory. The reason why is because we are different. As humans, we all are born from a woman.That woman has a lifestyle.That woman is your mother. When you are born, you are either raised by your mother, father, grandparents, foster parents, both your mother and father, or other relatives. Whoever you are raised by is determined by your mother, if not her. This sets us up (us being the child) in many different environments that will all make us different in the long run.Some of us may have had rich parents, middle class parents, poor parents, or no parents. All in all, we are different. You should get the point.
As we experience life growing up, we all create an outlook on life. How we want to live, what we want to wear, what music we want to listen to, what we want to eat, what we want to do for a living, etc. This all stems from our experience in life from the past and continues throughout the present. You may come across people who have a lot of similarities like you, but we are not the same. I call those people friends. Those you have a lot in common with. Those you build a special bond with, have fun with, and when a serious time comes around, share life experiences with. That's when the differences are obvious. Now on the flip side, some people can't be themselves and make the wrong friends who they can't relate to. That can make a person very weak, and live what I call a lie! How do I know this stuff?Observing people, and coming across cats like this.It's not hard to tell when you are in tact with yourself.
Now what does this have to do with progression?A lot! As individuals we have to make our own route. We can't let others such as parents, grand parents, relatives, friends, coaches, or teachers tell us what we should do with our lives or how we should live our lives. You must set the blueprint your self and follow that blueprint once it is complete.You will be confused for a little while, but within time you will find your calling, and once you do, stick it out 100%. Once you start working hard towards whatever you want to be in life, that's when the pressure is on. You have to focus on that, and make sure nothing gets in the way of what you are trying to do.You can still have fun, but know your limits on fun and try not to get too distracted.That's how you get stuck in one spot.Putting important moves on hold for bullshit that's always gonna be around. This next statement is a pretty bold statement, but friends and family can fuck up your plans if you allow them to as well. Especially family. They might want you to do one thing with your life, and you probably won't want to do it. They may not want you to do anything with your life, and tell you that you will never amount to anything. The main point that I am trying to convey is that only "YOU" know deep down what it is you want to do.Whatever that something is, make sure you PROGRESS!
I have a small circle of friends and family that I deal with on a regular basis. We all have differences. I attack some of theirs and they attack some of mine, but I respect what they want to do and they respect what i want to do. These thoughts were not going through my head 5 years ago, but now at the age of 20, I have seen how life is changing and effecting all of my friends.for some of them it's in a good way, and for most of them, it's in a bad way. I make sure I do what I want to do all the time.some of my friends and family don't like that. Some of the things I do influence my friends and family, but all of them won't be able to pick up what I do because they don't have the passion, and drive to do what I do. they like my craft, and the finished product, but they don't understand what it took to get there, and what needs to be done to get there. The question is would they be willing to put in the work? I get asked to put people on tracks because they are so and so's cousin, or so in so's guy from way back when. People want me to sit them down and show them my techniques, and spend hours out of my time to make them good at what I'm still trying to master myself. Some of my family tells me that I need to quit dreaming and do some shit that I don't give a fuck about. Hearing that shit over and over pisses a nigga off sometime, but I stay humble about it, and try my best to help them out as much as possible without loosing out on my time to develop. I don't have a problem helping people out on certain things, but I look for a sign from god before I help that person.GOD is my instinct. That's how I feel.I know I'm not talking to myself when I'm having that conversation in my head.That person is GOD!
If I feel that a person is serious about getting advice, and really pursuing what I do, I will help them.More than likely this person knows about music, software, and production already, but didn't know how to jump start it. This is where I give my advice that I know and let them go from there.You see, when you influence a lot of people, it always isn't a good thing. You get unwanted attention, and a lot of new comers who try to be your friend just because of what you do. You even get females who want you because of what you do. I have never had a problem with making either one of the two (friends, or girlfriends), but the numbers do go up and you have to be more cautious with who you share certain information with. Even though I have family,friends, and women who are interested in me, I still feel like all I have is me.The only person I can connect with is GOD. I stay strong minded and do what I want to do no matter what anybody says or thinks and PROGRESS!! I set up my own theory on how I want to live, and what i want to do, and I am sticking to that until the day I die. I've heard of it takes two, but in my eyes it only takes one strong black man and a master plan. -P-
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