Sunday, November 30, 2008

Black Boy Lost: Written By Matcy P

Another little boy......born in the ghet-to. Father is a nobody.Mother working like a slave tryna make ends meet for her new boy. She is strong and wants to make the family thing work out, but the father is corrupted by the streetz. The Father will let his belly feast before his son eats. Damn............the boy feels weak.And is thinking about his situation and how to retreat. The only medicine is to penetrate the soul from where his love will slowly leak. Now that's deep. How does he regain? When his family is too blended and dysfunctional to reframe. His guys and most of his cousins are falling for the "game." And if you think logically, all games come to an end just like the "game." Where it is grimy, reckless, and lonely. Yeah! Lonely! And you call them grimy niggaz yo homies? When the chips are down, and the heat is on, and your freedom's gone, what legacy have you built for the next lost black boy to lead on? You have the ability to be strong and patient my lost black boy. You have the ability to get away from the every minute every hour negativity that's around you my lost black boy. You also have the ability to gang bang and be wild my lost black boy..............What will you choose? And just to let you know, that last option is a lose lose. All I can say is be wise my lost black brother, and make sure you don't get fooled.
-----BLACK BOY LOST-----


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